Sabtu, April 21, 2012

Do you wanna make a litte Robot ?

For the same again named Robot, Eits .. Robots that again but I mean here not the Robot - robot usually played by a little boy, yes, that means play is driven by their own hands. But, Robot I will discuss this time is, the robot can be nominated as the Robot lighten our work, well it can be said anyway. Hm .. but, make no mistake, though It sounds Peringan Robot Works, but not really a big cost to make it, well only the capital of patience, fortitude (not resilient in the leaves ya), and the SURE everything we do at the time of the current Millennium NO whose names are NOT USE CAPITAL. Yes the capital .. But, here I will not surprise you with a breakdown of costs that might be added to make your head dizzy again and maybe even your desire to broaden the horizon you can see rincianm reduced because the funds that make klieyengan eye. Haha .. Ah, too many bases - stale ya, DIRECTLY in reading more, and if already so robots do not forget to ask the Department of Forestry at ya, who knows may be recommended to catch criminals Forest, haha ​​.. (It's all for the sake of our beloved friend of the earth). Ah dah. Chect it Out .. ! The stages in the manufacture of robots.

The stages in the manufacture of robots

Broadly speaking, the stage of making a robot can be seen in the following figure:


tutorial create intelligent robots stage of making

There are three stages of the manufacture of robots, namely:

A. Planning, including: hardware selection and design.
2. Manufacturing, including the manufacture of mechanical, electronic, and programs.
3. Trials.

A. Planning stage

In this stage, we plan what we will create, quite simply, we want to make robots that like? useful for what? Things that need to be determined in this stage:

* The dimensions, namely length, width, height, and approximate weight of the robot. KRI-sized robot 1m high prominence, while the robot KRCI height of about 25 cm.
* The structure of the material, whether of aluminum, iron, wood, plastic, and so forth.
* How the robot, the robot contains parts and functions of the parts. For example, arms, conveyors, elevators, power supply.
* The sensors that will be used robot.
* The mechanism, how the mechanical system so that the robot can complete the task.
* The method of control, namely how the robot can be controlled and driven, microprocessor yanga used, and the block diagram of the system.
* Strategies to win the game, if the robot will be included race / contest robot Indonesia / International.

2. Stages of manufacture

There are three jobs to be done in this phase, the mechanical manufacturing, electronics, and programming. Each requires people with different specialties, namely:

* Mechanical Specialist, that match the fields of science in mechanical engineering and industrial engineering.
* Electronic Specialist, that match the fields of science in electrical engineering.
* Programming Specialist, that match is the science of informatics techniques.

So in a robot team, there should be personnel who have specific skills that are complementary. This is necessary in forming a team of Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) or Indonesian Intelligent Robot Contest (KRCI). Field of science that I mentioned earlier, does not have to fill student / alumni majors or courses of study, for example, may be majoring in mechanical engineering students to learn programming.

To follow the race KRI / KRCI takes a solid team. But for you who are interested in making robots as a hobby or want to learn, all can be done by yourself, because you are not bound by time or deadlines. So you can do it with more ease.

Manufacture of mechanical

After an outline picture of a robot designed form, then the order can begin to be made. General framework of KRI robot made of aluminum or aluminum box elbow. One segment of the frame connected to each other with aluminum rivets. Aluminum rivet is a kind of nail that is useful for attaching sheet metal to close. Order robot KRCI more varied, can be made of plastic or a long iron such as bars.

Manufacture of electronic systems

Parts of electronic systems designed in accordance with the desired function. For example, to drive a DC motor is needed h-brigde, while the relay is required to drive the transistor switch. Sensors to be used to learn and understand how it works, for example:

A. Proximity sensor, can use the SRF04, GP2D12, or assemble their own ultrasonic or infrared sensor module.
2. Sensor direction, could use a compass sensor CMPS03 or Dinsmore.
3. Temperature sensor, can use sensor LM35 or the other.
4. Flame sensor / heat, can use UVTron or Thermopile.
5. Line follower sensor / detector line, can use the LED and photo transistor.

Here is a picture of ultrasonic sensors, infrared, UVTron, and the compass:


tutorial create intelligent robots make robots smarter SRF 04tutorial gp2d12kompas CMPS03

Manufacture of electronic systems include three stages:

* PCB Design, for example by Altium DXP program.

* Printing the PCB, can be Proboard.

* Assembling and testing electronic circuits.
Bahasa Indonesia
tutorial make intelligent robot design pcb

Making Software / Program

Making software after the device is ready to be tested. Software is embedded (downloaded) on the microcontroller so that the robot can function as expected.
tutorial make intelligent robot programming

Stage of making this program include:

A. Design algorithm or program flow

For simple functions, the algorithm can be made directly at the time of writing the program. For complex functions, the algorithm is made by using the flow chart.

2. writing Program

Writing programs in C language, Assembly, Basic, or the language of the most controlled.

3. Compile and download, which is to transfer the program that we wrote to the robot.

3. trial
tutorial make a robot intelligent robot example cerdasarena-race-KRCI
For robot competitions KRI, needed a larger space, which is about 15 × 15 meters. In the Indonesian Robot Contest (KRI) 2008, each robot must reach the target (ball / cube) are placed in high places, so a robot should be able to rise above the other robot to achieve these targets (such as a climbing nut).

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