1. Prepare the image you most like to create a display, an example like: 1.jpg
if you can change the name to be shorter though not too long wrote it.
2. Put the last image file in your root disk or flash like c: \ or namaflashdiskmu: \
3. open the text editor you like most, like notepad.
4. Copy - paste the code below:
5. Save the code before the name desktop.ini and place it in the root folder you flash or hard drive that you want to change later.
6. Done .... try refresh deh ....
To change the font color can change the code from:
IconArea_Text = 0x000000
Have you change the value in red is your heart's content deh, while experimenting, but do not forget to backup first the previous code, let me not get messy :) hehehehe.
The author has never changed 0x because I think if you change just the same.
If you're lazy ya I love the color code, please copy and paste (copy paste) 6 pieces of this value to the code above:
The letter O = O
0 = The zero
6. Done .... try refresh deh ....
To change the font color can change the code from:
IconArea_Text = 0x000000
Have you change the value in red is your heart's content deh, while experimenting, but do not forget to backup first the previous code, let me not get messy :) hehehehe.
The author has never changed 0x because I think if you change just the same.
If you're lazy ya I love the color code, please copy and paste (copy paste) 6 pieces of this value to the code above:
The letter O = O
0 = The zero
IconArea_Text=0x____ (choose one color choice, remember "0x" should not be removed, except for the new number removed)
FF00FF = Jingga / ungu
FF33FF = ungu terang
FF91FF = Ungu muda
FF62EE = Ungu sedang
d800e6 = Ungu gelap
FFFF4B = Biru muda
FFFF81 = bIRU muda
33FF = Merah
33FFF4 = Kuning
00FFFF = Kuning sedang
51B11B = Hijau gelap
10BB61 = Hijau gelap2
80FCA4 = Hijau muda
00FF00 = Hijau terang
DF280F = Biru tua
ff4321 = Biru terang
FF0000 = Biru
FFOOOO = Merah terang (O = BUKAN NOL)
8CCBDD = Coklat muda
140,203,221 = Coklat tua
FF00FF = Jingga / ungu
FF33FF = ungu terang
FF91FF = Ungu muda
FF62EE = Ungu sedang
d800e6 = Ungu gelap
FFFF4B = Biru muda
FFFF81 = bIRU muda
33FF = Merah
33FFF4 = Kuning
00FFFF = Kuning sedang
51B11B = Hijau gelap
10BB61 = Hijau gelap2
80FCA4 = Hijau muda
00FF00 = Hijau terang
DF280F = Biru tua
ff4321 = Biru terang
FF0000 = Biru
FFOOOO = Merah terang (O = BUKAN NOL)
8CCBDD = Coklat muda
140,203,221 = Coklat tua
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